CA-EBS OPITO • Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System
initial deployment training
Course overview
Ensure that the personnel gains the required knowledge and understanding of the particular hazards and properties of a Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS). The course includes theoretical and practical lessons.
The course is in Italian and, on request, in English.
1,5 hours.
• Training: - a valid (in-date) OPITO approved BOSIET/FOET/HUET or T-BOSIET/T-FOET/T-HUET Certificate.
• Physical: - a valid, current offshore medical certificate; or an operator approved medical certificate.
Course contents
Theoretical content:
• the fundamental differences between re-breather and compressed air systems (technology and use);
• the rationale and use of compressed air emergency breathing systems in helicopter emergency situations;
• the hazards associated with compressed air emergency breathing systems.
Practical content:
• a pre-flight inspection of the life jacket and CA-EBS;
• donning the life jacket with CA-EBS correctly, including ‘buddy check’;
• an emergency deployment of the CA-EBS in a dry environment.
Items to bring
Identity card.
OPITO approved certification for Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) will be issued on successful getting through the training programme.
Course cod. 5902 - Validity no expiry date
CFO - Via Bonvicini 14, Mezzano (RA) - Italy.